Chase Your Dreams &
Conquer Your Fears

Success Coach & Mentor

About Me

Hello I’m Anju Arun Matta, Your Happiness Coach. Today, a significant part of my life and work are in service to others. I work with people to increase positivity, creativity and productivity by guiding people to bring their unique strengths forward with confidence and courage. To have the courage to look within themselves and drop the masks. To tap into their inner strengths and bring it forward in all that they do. This is how we create better people, better communities, better businesses and a better world.

I help you overcome the challenges

if you are facing any of the following problems, I’m here to help you

Feeling Burned Out?

Stuck In Your Corporate Journey?

Work Life Balance?

Conflict Management?

Self Confidence & Lack of Courage?

Networking Skills?

How May I Help You?

I have below Programs to solve your problems

I Coach

I help you recognize where you’re stuck and show you exactly what needs to change when you can’t see it yourself. I empower your mindset with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities to develop yourself and become a better version of yourself

I Mentor

I help you in identifying growth areas specific to the mentee’s needs and navigate the path with clear actionable by providing relevant tools & approach

Not Sure If You Are Ready?

Read some common signs you are ready to take the leap:

◉ You cannot stop thinking about your new idea or a new job. This may feel exciting at first but then reality sets in and you feel overwhelmed and depressed.

◉ You are constantly looking at what everyone else is doing and thinking that their path is the bomb! The self-comparison can begin to feel burdensome.

◉ You feel burned out and resentful with your current situation.

◉ You ping pong back and forth between two ideas, your inner critic kicks in and tells you that both are bad options that put you back to square one.

◉ You start to think in all or nothing terms….for example, maybe I should just quit my job and move to start on my own!

◉ You start to rationalize that maybe feeling underwhelmed; uninspired and bored is just the way it has to be.

◉ You look for perfection in everything you do.

◉ You procrastinate to start something new or change the present situation bothering you.

◉ You feel exhausted with external stress

◉ You feel overwhelmed with multiple priorities and responsibilities in life

◉ You know that there is more to life!

◉ You set low expectations for yourself…. for example, I can suffer for another year, make money, and then I will make the change.

◉ You begin to make other people the problem…

Frequently Asked Questions

For a complimentary 20-minute consultation to hear more about the programs and to see if it’s right for you

How do I prepare for the connect?

While you don’t need to prepare anything beforehand, I recommend you find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. It may be best to use headphones through your phone so you may hear the call best, too! Our call will last approximately 20 minutes.

How do I call in for our meeting?

After scheduling HERE, you will receive a specific link for the meeting.

What do I do during our call?

If you choose, you may want to jot down notes on a piece of paper to reflect on our conversation later. Otherwise, just be open and honest with me and yourself to get the most out of our coaching session!

Is this a one-time complementary connects?

I am HAPPY to chat with you many times! However, please keep in mind that my schedule does vary and fills fast! You may schedule another discovery call by filling the form below again.

What are your qualifications?

I am a Certified and Experienced Coach and have coached many  to help them come out of their fears, limiting beliefs & procrastination. Moreover I am a successful corporate leader with multi year experience of managing large businesses and teams. Let me know what you would like to chat about!

How can I follow your programs start timelines

You may email me and I would be happy to respond. Also, follow me over on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and Twitter for these updates.

Feedback & Reviews

what my client says about me

Anju is an amazing coach, she has helped me to be come out from own negative beliefs about myself, this helped me to make my corporate & personal life happier & successful. I would recommend her to everyone who is struggling with their own challenges.

Jonathan Alvarez

Anju is a great leader, coach, guide & Mentor, during my University days, she taught me to be ready with Corporate life, Now I am in corporate and now she is guiding me to get visibility, create my own brand, how to navigate my career with ease. She is just amazing.

Ramakant Singh

I have been associated with Anju since last 4 years, she has been my mentor & providing me inputs wherever I stuck in my life. She is my sounding board and been a very supporting & empathetic listener. She provides tips which sometime amazes me. I would recommend her to anyone who wants success in life.

Lalita Bansal

Since the time I have enrolled into Anju’s program “Magnificent You”, people have started observing change in my approach towards living life. Thanks to Anju for providing me such valuable insights about me.

Ankush Sharma

Having a mentor like Anju is a blessing, she helps to show your own strengths which we never think in our wildest dreams. Her way to mentoring is simple yet powerful which is superb.

Ankit Kumar

Get In Touch

Do fill the form and share your details to connect with you

Shine, Shine & Shine, As if you
do not have any other option